Health & Safety


Duration: ½ day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: This course aims to provide a more in depth understanding of COSHH & RIDDOR.

Course Aims:

• To explain the legislation requirements in relation to COSHH and how to identify and protect yourself from potentially hazardous substances

• To explain RIDDOR, how it is relevant in the workplace and the legislation requirements for reporting to the HSE

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Dealing With Accidents & Incidents

Duration: ½ day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: This course aims to provide a more in depth understanding of Dealing With Accidents & Incidents.

Course Aims:

• To define accidents and incidents

• To explain how to deal with different types of accidents and incidents

• Explain Significant Event Analysis

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Falls Awareness

Duration: ½ day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: Half day session that will explore the key features of Falls Awareness including common causes of falls in care environment, risk assessing for slips, trips and falls. It will cover issues arising from medications and illnesses that can increase risk of falls.

Course Aims:

  • To explain and promote best practice around falls prevention and fracture management in Social Care environment
  • To discuss and demonstrate dealing with falls in the Social Care environment

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Fire Safety Awareness

Duration: ½ day course

Staff Groups: This level 1 course is aimed at anyone who requires a course in Fire Safety. The course is designed to meet and comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

Course Overview: This course is ideal to give all members of staff basic fire training to increase awareness and cooperation in the event of a fire in the workplace. Awareness will reduce the risk of fires actually breaking out and therefore save lives.

Course Aims:

  • The importance of fire safety
  • Causes, prevention, training and alarms
  • Emergency equipment and response actions

We also offer a 'Train The Trainer' course in this subject
We also offer a distance learning workbook in this subject
We also offer virtual training via Zoom in this subject
We also offer bite size training in this subject

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Fire Warden

Duration: ½ day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at anyone who requires a course as a Fire Warden or a Fire Marshall.

Course Overview: This course covers the latest fire safety regulations and the roles and duties of employees and their responsibilities on Fire Safety. The course is designed to meet and comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 .

Course Aims:

• Explain Fire Marshall or Fire Warden duties

• Provide information on how fires are started

• Discuss methods of controlling fire spread

• Provide information on evacuating the building

• Discuss the importance of fire briefings and risk assessing

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Food Hygiene Awareness

Duration: ½ day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: This course will provide all staff with the recommended 3 year refresher in Food Hygiene.

Course Aims:

• Causes of food poisoning

• Legal requirements and relevant documentation

• Contamination of food and how to control it

• Bacteriology

• Cross contamination

• Cleaning and disinfection

• Personal hygiene

Additional Information:

We also offer a 'Train The Trainer' course in this subject
We also offer a distance learning workbook in this subject
We also offer virtual training via Skype or Zoom in this subject
We also offer bite size training in this subject

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Food Hygiene Level 1

Duration: ½ day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: This is a half day session that will aim to provide a more in-depth understanding of Food Hygiene. The certificate is valid for 3 years and is a Level 1 Food Hygiene course for people not working directly with food.

Course Aims:

• Understand basic types of bacteria and enzymes

• Understand different methods of food contamination

• Understand main methods of food storage and preservation

• To list causes, signs and symptoms of food poisoning

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Food Hygiene Level 2

Duration: Full day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: This is a full day session that will aim to provide a more in-depth understanding of Food Hygiene. The certificate is valid for 3 years and is a Level 2 Food Hygiene course for people working directly with food.

Course Aims:

• Understand how individuals can take personal responsibility for food safety

• Understand the importance of keeping him/ herself clean and hygienic

• Understand the importance of keeping the work areas clean and hygienic

• Understand the importance of keeping food safe

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Health & Safety

Duration: ½ day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: This is a half day session that will provide a more in-depth understanding of Health and Safety in relation to the workplace.

Course Aims:

  • Provide in-depth understanding of Health and Safety in relation to the workplace
  • Staff and Managers roles in relation to Health & Safety
  • Fire procedures in Adult Social Care establishments
  • Personal safety and lone working
  • Share information on the importance of accurate and up to date Risk Assessments

We also offer a 'Train The Trainer' course in this subject
We also offer a distance learning workbook in this subject
We also offer virtual training via Zoom in this subject
We also offer bite size training in this subject

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Health & Safety Level 1

Duration: ½ day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: This is a half day session that is aimed at anybody that requires a course in Health & Safety Awareness. This is a certified Level 1 course.

Course Aims:

  • Understand the importance of Health & Safety in the workplace
  • Understand the scope of hazards and risks in the workplace
  • Understand the range of workplace conditions that can affect Health & Safety
  • Understand the requirements for workplace procedures

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Health & Safety Level 2

Duration: Full day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: This is a full day session that is aimed at anybody that requires a course in Health & Safety awareness. This is a certified Level 2 course.

Course Aims:

  • Understand roles and responsibilities for health, safety and welfare in the workplace
  • Understand how risk assessments contribute to Health & Safety
  • Understand how to identify and control the risks arising from common workplace hazards
  • Know the procedures for responding to accidents in the workplace

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Health & Safety Level 3

Duration: 2 day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview:

This is a 2 day session that is aimed at anybody that requires a course in Health & Safety awareness. This is a certified Level 3 course.

Course Aims:

• Understand what is required of employers and employees under current health and safety legislation

• Understand the importance and significance of workplace risk assessments.

• Know why it's essential to report and investigate accidents

• Understand the roles that managers, supervisors and personal protective equipment play in regards to health and safety

• Know how to deal with employee welfare and wellbeing, motivation, staff training, first aid and emergency procedures

• Understand the risks associated with the workplace and work equipment; fire and explosion; electricity; working at height; vehicles; violence, drugs and alcohol; hazardous substances; noise and vibration; and manual handling

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Infection Control

Duration:  ½ day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: This is a half day session designed to identify and discuss Personal Protective Equipment, correct hand hygiene, standard precautions when working with customers, dealing with sharps, COSHH and a brief look at specific infections.

Course Aims:

• Explore the impact of infection within care settings

• Factors that make people vulnerable to infection

• Common organisms that cause infection

• How micro-organisms spread in the environment

• What you should know about standard infection control precautions

Additional Information:

We also offer a 'Train The Trainer' course in this subject
We also offer a distance learning workbook in this subject
We also offer virtual training via Skype or Zoom in this subject
We also offer bite size training in this subject

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Nutrition & Hydration

Duration: ½ day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: This course explores the values of improving Nntritional care and will include a range of tools that will support workers in taking a person centered approach.

Course Aims:

  • Identify internal and external factors that can affect a person’s diet and fluid intake
  • Recognise deficiency effects on the person
  • Discuss what is meant by undernourishment and dehydration
  • The importance of hydration
  • Staffs role and responsibilities in maintaining nutrition and wellbeing in their service users
  • What is meant by the term “eating for health”
  • Identify five food groups needed for a healthy diet
  • Five nutrients required to maintain health and wellbeing
  • Awareness of supporting professionals and eating aids available
  • Understand basic digestion

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Other Training

Other training is available on request, this includes:

• Evac Chair


If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact


Risk Assessing

Duration: ½ day course

Staff Groups: This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers working in health and social care.

Course Overview: This course explores the values and importance of Risk Assessing and will include a range of tools that will support workers when assessing risk

Course Aims:

  • Give an understanding of the importance of risk assessment and current applicable legislation
  • Promote awareness and understanding of what constitutes a hazard
  • Promote understanding of the 5 steps of carrying out a risk assessment
  • Give an understanding of different control measures and how these might be implemented
  • Understand the hierarchy of controls, and be able to carry out a risk assessment

If you’d like to get in touch to discuss your needs, book training, or just for a chat please feel free anytime. You can connect with Neil Lee Training here - Contact

Bespoke professional training courses for Health & Social Care organisations, which are both practical and enjoyable.